
The 4th Quarter. Finish Strong!

As I continue to run this crazy beautiful health journey, I look at my race like a football game. A football game is made up of four quarters. As Laura and I discuss the current state of my health, we both believe I have entered the 4th quarter of my health journey. We do not believe there will an overtime. This is not us giving up, but being up front and honest about my current situation. We are so excited to see how God is going to use this 4th quarter.

A side note: Laura and I have to laugh when my medical team continually makes the comment “Todd you look really good for someone who is dying.” It reminds us of the promise God made years ago that I would never act or look sick.

As I run this 4th quarter, I want to make the most out of whatever time I have left. Not a second wasted. I want every moment to matter.

I believe I am in the most important quarter in life. The 4th Quarter. It does not matter how I started the game, but how I finish is what truly matters.

A lot of people look at my current health condition and encourage me to slow down. But that is not what I am hearing from God. No, what I am hearing from God is to keep running. To keep playing the game. To press in even more to share the story God has given me with more urgency. To continue making champions for God.

So, I will continue to run the race God designed for me. I will continue to spend time with family and friends. I will continue to have beautiful moments of conversations. I will continue to invite friends over, to sit on the balcony and hear their stories. I will continue to share love and encouragement with everyone God brings my way. I will embrace the beautiful interruptions of life.

Though my body may be quickly declining, my faith is growing stronger every day. I am spending more time in prayer and God’s word. I am excited to see how the Holy Spirit is working like a skilled surgeon and digging out any junk I might be holding onto. I continue to pursue righteousness and purity. I am more dedicated to prayer. I am thankful for those friends who chose to run the race with me. I continue to desire good fruit. I still desire for God to use every part of my life. To continue sharing the hope and love of Jesus with everyone.

I believe God is most pleased to use a willing heart. A willing vessel. My hope and prayer is that I finish the 4 Quarter strong. With nothing else to give. Amen. ~OC

Celebrating All Women On Mother’s Day

Today we celebrate Mother’s Day. A day to thank moms for all they do for us. I am thankful to still have my mom with me, but my wife lost her amazing mom 18 years ago. Mother’s Day is still tough for her. I am sure others can relate to her experience.

Today is Sunday, so many will attend church this morning. Most churches will have some type of Mother’s Day celebration. Maybe they will pass out roses to all the moms. Maybe they will recognize all the moms by having them stand up. All great things. Moms are awesome. They should be celebrated. But what about those women who cannot have children? Or those women who have lost children? How about those women who decided not to have children? I think we have to be very sensitive in how we celebrate Mother’s Day. Today is a tough day for many.

Today, I encourage places of worship to celebrate all women. If you’re passing out roses, pass them out to all the women. I pray we take time to recognize every women who is a role model, mentor, or godmother to many in her circle of influence. They are making a significant difference in the lives of many. Not every women has the title of Mother, but that does not make their contributions any less important. So let’s celebrate all women today. ~OC

White Christian Nationalism

Today’s a new day! I believe one of the biggest threats to America and the American Church is White Christian Nationalism. This false doctrine has been around for years, but since 2016 White Christian Nationalism has become a major problem in the American Church and the Christian community. Sadly, I have seen it separate churches, families and friends. White Christian Nationalism, has definitely made it difficult to be a white Christian who does not believe in the teachings of this cult like community.

White Christian Nationalism is far from the teachings of Jesus. Christian Nationalism is a political movement cleverly wrapped up in religious language. The movement is more concerned about spreading the American gospel and less concerned with sharing the love of Jesus. The movement wants control over people and issues they do not agree with -which is the exact opposite of what the Gospel teaches us. The Bible shares Jesus came as a servant who sacrificed lhis life for all of us, whether we’re gay, transgender, straight, rich, poor, black, white, refugee, different languages, backgrounds or faith.

Those who have been corrupted by White Christian Nationalism do not reflect the teachings of Jesus and how He lived his life. The theme of the Bible is God’s amazing love and sacrifice for all of us – regardless of our skin color, political affiliation, economic status or sexual identity. As a Christian, I believe God’s love is for ALL people. The Gospel is a beautiful gift. This life changing gift should never be used as a weapon against people or issues we disagree with.

What can Christians who disagree with the false teachings of White Christian Nationalism do? We can continue to pray. We must become more educated about this false and dangerous movement. We must speak up about the dangers of White Christian Nationalism. As Christians, we must earnestly pray that the false teachings of Christian Nationalism come to light in churches and in the hearts of those blinded by the lies of this cult. That truth prevails.

During this election year, Christians against White Christian Nationalism cannot be misled by self-serving politicians or Christians who are promoting false teachings. We cannot be silent like the Churches and Christians in Germany were in the days of Hitler. As Christians who truly believe in the teachings of Jesus, we must continue to live lives of love and respect for ALL of our neighbors regardless if we agree with them or not. ~OC


A friend asked me to write down some thoughts on communion. I thought I would share them with you. ~OC

Time seems to stand still. The moment is quite as I hear God whisper, “Come before me and empty your heart. Pour your sins, frustrations, and needs at My feet. And I will fill you with My light, My glory, and presence.” These are the words I hear God share as I prepare my heart for communion. It makes the moment even more special. Even more holy. It makes the moment even more sacred.

As we prepare ourselves for communion, allow God to speak to your heart. Let His worship flow over and through you. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal all He has for you in this moment.

Why do we take communion?
Communion is a soul stirring experiences that cause us to reflect on the holiness of Christ embodied in the gift of salvation. To remember and give thanks that Jesus took our place on the Cross. Stop and think about that for a moment. Jesus took our place.

Jesus established communion on the night he was betrayed as he ate a meal with His disciples. The Sacraments symbolize and guarantee God’s promises to us via the bread and juice which symbolize Jesus’s body and blood. These are tangible reminders of Christ’s love and sacrifice on the cross.
In the early church, it was known as the “eucharist,” or as the giving of thanks found in Matthew 26:27.
The entire account of the first Lord’s Supper is found in the Gospels of
Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:19-25 and a portion of the account is also found in
1 Corinthians 11:24-26.

Jesus told us to “Do this… in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthian 11:25). Just as we depend on food and drink to physically sustain us, we can only live spiritually through Christ. We take communion because we believe Jesus is really, truly, spiritually present in the bread and the juice. Meaning that when we eat and drink these things, we are receiving the promises Jesus makes to us in faith. Those promises help us come face to face with our humanity. It also reminds us that Christ promises to forgive our sins (Matt 26:28). Jesus will strengthen us, grow us, and help us persevere as we continue to follow Him (John 6:53-58). It also reminds us just how precious the gift of salvation is.

A Prayer after Communion:
Dear God, we praise you for the sacrifice of your one and only Son that you so lovingly and freely gave us. Lord Jesus, what a privilege it is to be able to come before your throne of grace and partake of the precious sacraments of bread and juice in remembrance of your atoning sacrifice on the Cross. You lovingly feed us at your holy table through your body and blood. By your Word and Supper, we are set free. We rejoice that we get to call you Father. Thank you for taking our place. Thank you for covering us with your love, grace, and the enormous price of taking away our sins so that we can experience your freedom. May we never forget the price you paid on our behalf. As we continue to run this race called life, may this moment be on our minds, and may we hold your heavenly presence in our hearts. May we live in remembrance of how your body was broken and how your blood was spilled for us. Dear Jesus, thank you for the ability to carry in our hearts the riches of your eternal goodness. May we be a living vessel and light to others you allow us to come in contact with, lighting up the darkness with your truths. What a joy and a privilege it is to fellowship with you Dear Jesus and to commune with you. No matter where we are or who we are with, we know that You are with us, indwelling us. Help us to live in a way that glorifies you and reflects the work of how you broke your body for us and how you took our place on the Cross. We rejoice in the blanket of your grace as we rest in the arms of your sacrificial love. Amen.

Love and Prayers

Today’s a new day! Love and prayers have no boundaries. They can be heard and felt in every part of the world. Love and prayers can be instantly translated into any language. ~OC

A Gift

Today’s a new day! Believe it or not, this crazy beautiful health journey is a gift, and I do not intend to waste a day of it. Have I experienced tough moments? Yes, I have. Multiple surgeries, multiple near death experiences, hours of treatment and too many hospital stays to count. But during this long journey, God has allowed me to hear the stories of some amazing people and share my own story. If I had allowed my health issues to become my identity, I would have missed out on so many beautiful moments along the way. Does my life look different than what I had dreamed of? Yes, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I no longer rush through life. I embrace every moment. My life is not dictated by meetings and deadlines. I make it a point to connect with at least one friend a day. My goal is no longer to climb some corporate ladder, but to build bridges of love and encouragement. A time clock has been replaced by a get to clock. This health journey that the world would deem a negative, has become a story of hope and overcoming. My body might be broken, but I will allow God to pick up the pieces and create something beautiful. I invite everyone to come along and run this beautiful journey with me. ~OC


Today’s a new day! As I continue to run this crazy beautiful health journey, God is my pacesetter. I will not rush through the race set before me. I will rest when God calls me to rest. He will restore me daily as I run this race. God will lead my steps as I run through the darkest moments. He gives me a calm mind and fills my heart with peace. Even when this journey becomes overwhelming, I will not fret because I am running in the presence of God. His presence is timeless. God will keep me balanced as I continue to run this race. He anoints my every step. My cup of life overflows. I will continue to run in the pace of my Lord and dwell in His house forever. ~OC

Faithful Friend

Today’s a new day! Sadly, as I have run this crazy beautiful health journey, several friends decided to walk away. But this is not about them. No, this letter is for you.

Dear Faithful Friend, I want you to know you are one of the greatest blessings God has ever given me. Coming from a person who has watched many friends walk away, I am thankful that I never had to see what it would look like as you walked away. You have been a constant. You have been persistent. You have been faithful. You have constantly showed me that people are capable of caring unconditionally. Friends like you are hard to find these days, even in people who call themselves Christians.

I am thankful that you have never left, as I have run this crazy beautiful health journey. You haven’t just stayed during the good times, you have decided to run with me even as my body has went through one trial after another. You care for me even when I have nothing to offer.

You have seen the worst parts of this health journey. You know the good and not so good in this season. You know God gives us things exactly when we need them… that’s proven to be true because of the fact that He has blessed me to call you friend. Our paths crossed because God saw that I needed a faithful friend. He was right. I needed someone who intercedes in prayer on my behalf without me asking. I needed someone who would sharpen me as I walk through this journey.

I have studied the Bible to see what it means to be a good friend and most of the things I have read are qualities that you possess. I have seen you run with me at my weakest moments. You have been an honest voice. I have seen you build me up and encourage me. You have had my back in ways I will never be able to truly thank you for.

I am so thankful for your friendship.
I can only pray that I have had a small impact on your life. You have helped me become a better person as I run this crazy beautiful health journey. I pray for you and your family on a daily basis and I hope you know that I am here in all seasons for you, just like you have been there for me. I do not write any of this lightly. Thank you for being a faithful friend. I am thankful for your friendship in my life. ~OC

True Identity

Today’s a new day! What are you attaching to your life? As I talk with people or scroll through their social media pages, I see so many people associating negative thoughts to their story. Too many people allowing negative thoughts to run through their head, telling them they’re not good enough or they do not measure up. After a while people begin to internalize these negative thoughts and allow them to become their identity.

My hope and prayer is that instead of believing the lies of not being good enough or measuring up, people would be reminded how amazing, unique and loved by God they are. That they are a masterpiece in His eyes. That’s your true identity. ~OC

Be Still

Today’s a new day! Do you ever just sit still, with no distractions except your thoughts?

I believe this is one way to truly know God and experience His true peace.

In those quiet times with God, we experience the stress of the world fade away and feel the hopeful peace only He can provide. You may also discover that God uses that time to provide answers to those difficult situations in life.

What a joy it is to just rest in the peace of God. It reminds me of the beautiful scripture Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

I believe that it’s vital for us to rest in the presence of God. Life is crazy with family, careers, phones that never stop buzzing , a world filled with constant distractions and countless decisions to make on a daily basis.

These are not necessarily bad things, and they are all a part of the world in which we live today. But, it can be difficult to tap the brakes and slow down when we try to spend quiet time with God. So many times we rush through a short passage of scripture and our list of prayer requests, keeping one eye on our phone to make sure we don’t miss that text or social media post.

I think it’s awesome if you’re spending time in the Bible and lifting your prayers up to God, but I would encourage you to spend more time being still and truly listening to the voice of God.

I believe God wants us to share our praises, struggles and victories in life with Him, but I also believe God wants us to move beyond that and into a place where we simply sit with Him, resting in His presence. In His peace.

As we begin to do this, I believe we will find the stress and distractions of the world diminishing in the hopeful peace of God who saves, and we might just discover that He uses that quite time to provide answers to the difficult moments in our lives. ~OC

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