Confusion and Distractions

Today’s a new day! As we walk through the storms of life, sometimes there is a tendency to think God has abandoned us. The storms of life can be so distracting. The noises of this world can be overwhelming at times. I started thinking about how distractions and confusion are two of the greatest tools of the enemy as he tries to make us believe that maybe God has left us.

When there are big, crashing waves disrupting our lives, it’s very easy to focus on them and feel as if hope and joy have gone. Anything from financial issues to health problems to family drama can be the things that demands our attention in the worst possible way—being louder in our heads and more all-consuming than the truth of God. I am not for a second saying that the storms you might be facing are not overwhelming. That is why they are so distracting. But I do want to encourage each of you to lean in and focus on the promises of God.

The truth of God’s presence is still there, but sometimes it’s really hard to see or hear Him. Sometimes it feels like we are surrounded by those crashing waves and are being pulled under with no hope of being rescued. That can be scary. It’s in those moments that we need to refocus and listen closely for God’s voice. He never stops speaking to us. God never stops standing with us. Even if at times we believe he does. The truth is we give God every reason to leave us, but He never does.

As I sit here this morning, I pray that you will hear the sweetness and the beauty of God’s voice in the middle of whatever storm you might be facing today. ~OC

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